Fetus Stop Moving, Perform The Next 6 Tricks

The movement of an active fetus and is often felt by the mother during pregnancy is indeed one sign that the fetus is growing healthy. However, do not panic when the fetus stops moving suddenly. Try to do the following trick to lure it to move! Generally, pregnant women can feel the movement of the fetus at 16-22 weeks gestational age. However, some pregnant women may only begin to feel fetal movements when they are 25 weeks pregnant. This fetal movement will usually be felt more often in the third trimester of pregnancy and is increasing just before labor or when contractions begin to feel. Even so, there are several conditions that sometimes cause the frequency and duration of fetal movement in the uterus to decrease or even make the fetus stop moving.

What Causes Fetus to Stop Moving?

A sudden fetus is rarely or even stopped moving does not necessarily indicate a dangerous disorder. The following are some of the causes of the fetus to stop moving:

1. The fetus is sleeping

Usually the fetus sleeps for around 20-40 minutes (no more than 90 minutes). During sleep, the fetus will not move. But when he woke up, he will again actively move.

2. Mother is on the move

Usually the fetus becomes more active at night when his mother sleeps, which is between 9:00 to 1:00 p.m. Well, conversely when pregnant women are on the move, fetal movements tend to decrease and sometimes stop moving.

3. Mother's lack of food

The fetus tends to move actively after a pregnant woman eats, because to move, she needs energy from food consumed by her mother. Well, the fetus may stop or rarely move because it lacks energy, because it has not yet received food from its mother.

4. Position of the anterior fetus

The position of the fetus facing the mother's back (anterior position) can make pregnant women less able to feel its movements. Usually this position occurs at the end of the third trimester or when labor is nearing delivery.

5. Getting pregnant

When gestational age enters the third trimester or is more than 32 weeks, fetal movements will generally be slightly reduced or sometimes stop moving temporarily. This is caused by an increasingly narrow uterus due to the growing size of the fetus, so that there is not enough space for the fetus to move.

6. Dangerous conditions

Sparse or immobile fetuses can also indicate dangerous conditions, such as:
  • The fetus lacks oxygen, for example because it is entangled in the umbilical cord. If not treated immediately, fetal distress can occur.
  • Disorders of the placenta, such as placental abruption or rupture of the placenta in the uterus.
  • The baby dies in the womb or stillbirth.
In addition to the above, smoking and obesity can also make pregnant women less able to feel fetal movements.

Fetal Fishing Tips and Tricks Moving Again

Don't panic if pregnant woman feels the fetus has stopped moving. There are some tips and tricks that pregnant women can do to lure Little One to move again:
  • Try speaking. Pregnant women can talk to or play music to see if there is a response from the movement of him.
  • Drink cold water or eat sweet foods.
  • Rest
  • Touching or stroking the stomach.
  • Lie on the left side. This position can facilitate circulation and can trigger the fetus to become more active in motion.
If pregnant women begin to feel the movement from the stomach after practicing the above methods, chances are the condition of the fetus is fine. However, Bumil must continue to monitor his movements if he stopped moving again.

Conditions that Require Pregnant Women to See a Doctor

Pregnant women need to be vigilant if the stimulation given to the fetus does not also make its movements increase or the fetus continues to stop moving. Pregnant women are advised to immediately go to an obstetrician if:
  • The fetus does not move at least 10 times in two hours.
  • There is swelling in the body parts of pregnant women, such as hands, feet, and around the eyes.
  • Pregnant women experience headaches for more than 24 hours and cannot see clearly.
  • Pregnant women experience abdominal cramps continuously.
  • Pregnant women experience bleeding from the vagina.
  • Pregnant pregnant women.
  • Pregnant women have difficulty breathing.
  • Pregnant women vomiting and spasms.
  • Pregnant belly feels painful when touched.
The doctor will conduct a series of examinations to determine the condition of the fetus. The examination includes a physical examination and ultrasound to monitor the fetal heartbeat, see the condition and activity in the uterus, and see if there are things that have the potential to make it difficult to move, for example umbilical cord. If the examination results are normal, pregnant women can go home. But with a note, pregnant women must be more vigilant and monitor fetal movements every day. If the fetal movement decreases or the fetus stops moving again, Bumil should immediately check herself back to the obstetrician.


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